Balancing Personalization in Healthcare


In today’s competitive landscape, capturing and maintaining consumer engagement is paramount. Businesses are continually seeking ways to connect with their audience and foster meaningful interactions. By leveraging data insights and innovative technologies, companies aim to enhance consumer engagement and build lasting relationships.

In December 2022, new regulations regarding the permissible use of tracking technologies sent shockwaves through the healthcare industry, making personalized digital experiences seem nearly impossible. For healthcare providers, offering personalized services while navigating evolving privacy landscapes has become a strategic imperative. 

These regulations present both challenges and opportunities. While they restrict the use of certain tracking technologies, they also compel healthcare leaders to explore innovative approaches that prioritize customer privacy without compromising the quality of personalized care.

At the heart of this transformation is the need for clean, comprehensive data. Without it, personalized digital experiences in healthcare are simply not feasible. However, obtaining and utilizing such data in compliance with privacy regulations is no small feat.

Danielle Rossi, EVP, Managing Director, Hero Digital, had the opportunity to moderate a panel at Adobe Summit with industry experts, Matt Schwabel, Executive Director of Marketing Technology & Operations, UNC Health, Arun Kumar, EVP of Data and AI, Hero Digital, and Tom Swanson, Head of Healthcare Strategy and Marketing, Adobe, as they shared insights into navigating these challenges. They emphasized the importance of striking the delicate balance between personalization and privacy. 

Impact of Regulations 

The new guidance on tracking technologies has significantly impacted the ability of healthcare providers to offer personalized services. Understanding the limitations imposed by these regulations is crucial for developing effective digital strategies.

Opportunities for Innovation

Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for innovation within the evolving privacy landscape. Creative approaches, such as leveraging anonymized data and implementing consent management solutions, can enable personalized experiences while maintaining compliance.

Importance of Clean Data

Clean, comprehensive data serves as the foundation for effective personalization in healthcare. Ensuring data quality and accuracy is essential for delivering relevant and impactful digital experiences to patients.

Balancing Privacy and Personalization

Achieving the right balance between privacy and personalization is paramount. Transparent data practices, patient empowerment, and clear communication are key strategies for building trust and compliance.

Role of AI

Looking ahead, AI holds promise for revolutionizing healthcare personalization. However, its implementation relies on access to quality data and adherence to privacy regulations. Healthcare leaders are preparing for this future by laying the groundwork for AI-driven personalization while prioritizing patient privacy.

Overcome Obstacles with Hero Digital 

Navigating privacy regulations while delivering personalized digital experiences presents significant challenges for healthcare providers. However, with innovative approaches, a commitment to data quality, and a focus on patient privacy, healthcare leaders can overcome these obstacles and revolutionize the way care is delivered in the digital age. 

Learn more about how we partnered with UNC Health to focus on patient privacy while building toward more personalized experiences.

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