How to turn a data driven strategy into dynamic experiences: Recorded webinar

Two shop assistants standing at the counter in zero waste shop, checking and ordering stock

Marketers want to reach customers with 1:1 messages on a multitude of devices, but have siloed data that doesn’t allow them to use the full customer picture for communication. With the consumer using an average of five connected devices for a transaction, weaving together the customer data profile to then target relevant messages can be complicated. On a recent webinar, Carl Agers, EVP of Strategy at Hero Digital, and Eric Fullerton, Product Marketing Manager at Acquia, discussed how to develop and execute a data-driven experience strategy that integrates cross channel data sources to create user-optimized experiences.

In the webinar, Carl highlights the discrepancies between what customers want and what brands deliver. For example, 60% of customers want real-time and in-store personalized offers, but only 5% of marketers say they are personalizing extensively. There’s a clear disconnect between how the customer expects to be marketed to and how the marketer markets. And, as a marketer, I’m not going to blame us – it’s a huge challenge to get all of the data in a single place to enable sending real-time, personalized offers.

Luckily, Carl introduces a solution to the data problem – Hero Digital’s CX_OS. This system enables the data from disparate platforms that collect information from channels like paid media (Google Ads, Facebook, etc.), owned channels like .com, marketing automation tools like Pardot and Marketo, ecommerce data, and more to tie to the personally identifiable information (PII) of an individual in a single place. In other words, it creates uniform data layers that move to a unified data store. It also helps to answer the question, “Who owns the data within my organization?”

Listen to this recorded webinar if you’d like to:

  • Unify customer data from multiple data sources, including transaction history, web analytics, and marketing automation
  • Use customer data for 1:1 personalization
  • Understand the best ways to integrate a martech stack

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