Salesforce Connections Takeaways


Hero Digital’s team enjoyed sharing our expertise at Salesforce Connections 2024. It was inspiring to be a part of the energy, innovation, and excitement of this global event. Salesforce constantly evolves, and this year marks the key evolution of data and AI integration into marketing and commerce strategy

To fully leverage AI, business leaders must start preparing now. This means unifying customer data, enhancing data quality, and aligning business processes with AI capabilities. Using Salesforce’s Einstein Copilot takes strategic planning, technical adjustments, and robust operational strategies to ensure seamless integration and maximize the benefits of these AI-driven tools. 

By taking the right steps forward, companies will enhance customer engagement, improve operational efficiency, and drive substantial growth. We’re sharing our key takeaway from Salesforce Connections to help you make the most of your investments this year.

The Convergence of Data & AI in Commerce

Salesforce Connections 2024 highlighted the transformative power of integrating data and AI in commerce, focusing particularly on the bottom-of-the-funnel conversion. 

With the introduction of the Einstein Copilot AI, Salesforce aims to transform customer interactions by providing personalized recommendations and real-time support through various channels such as WhatsApp and Instagram. This AI integration allows businesses to enhance customer engagement by leveraging a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior and preferences.

Unifying disparate data sources into a 360-degree view of the customer is crucial for delivering these personalized experiences. Salesforce Data Cloud facilitates this by combining CDP-like functionality with cross-cloud data integration, making data actionable across multiple channels. This holistic approach improves efficiency and enables businesses to offer more relevant and timely customer interactions, ultimately driving growth and customer satisfaction.

Filling the Top of the Funnel with Audience Segmentation and Personalized Content

Salesforce Connection showcased the importance of targeting the top of the funnel through precise audience segmentation and delivering personalized content. Salesforce Data Cloud helps this process by enabling businesses to unify data across different systems and create detailed audience segments. By leveraging AI, companies can generate predictive scoring and real-time personalization, enhancing the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

This seamless integration of data and AI allows businesses to craft tailored customer journeys that improve engagement and drive growth. Data Cloud’s capabilities extend to various marketing channels, including email, SMS, social media, and in-store points of sale, ensuring a consistent and cohesive customer experience. This approach optimizes ad spend and marketing efforts and helps nurture prospects and convert them into loyal customers.

Preparing for the Emergence of Einstein Copilot in upcoming Salesforce GA Releases

Salesforce’s upcoming releases—including Einstein Copilot for both Marketing Cloud and Commerce Cloud—are set to change how businesses interact with their customers. Einstein Copilot for Shoppers aims to provide AI-driven insights and automation, enhancing the shopping experience with personalized recommendations and support.

Similarly, Einstein Copilot for Marketing Cloud will offer advanced capabilities to optimize marketing campaigns and improve customer engagement through intelligent content selection and journey insights

Build New Business Value with Salesforce

Thanks for reading our key takeaways from Salesforce Connections. Building new business value with Salesforce doesn’t require significant capital outlay or a dramatic expansion of operating costs. In fact, recent Slack research reports that 80% of employees using AI say that it is already improving their productivity. It’s one of the reasons why Hero Digital has created roadmaps with our partners like Salesforce for our clients to leverage AI capabilities included in the tools they’ve already invested in. 

Hero Digital’s Invent-Transform Perform philosophy is characterized by a relentless focus on driving measurable performance and value, ensuring that any outlay we advise is designed to deliver at least a 3X return on investment within a calendar year.

Drawing from years of Technology, CX, and Performance Marketing experience, we have refined a templated initial Value Strategy and Assessment Engagement that takes companies one level deeper below the Salesforce Data Cloud and Einstein Accelerator.

To get started quickly, schedule a consultation with one of our Hero Digital problem solvers to review and help your company decide: What’s next for you with Salesforce?

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