Evolutionary GenAI

Guide GenAI to precise personalization with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).


Take an evolutionary approach to deploying GenAI for true personalization.

In the past, personalization relied on business rules and machine learning. Unfortunately, both of these data-driven approaches have downfalls.

Generative AI (GenAI) is the antidote to this problem. Combining a Knowledge Base (KB) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) with GenAI allows you to take a new approach to personalization, where you speak to people in your brand voice.

Rightfully, business leaders are cautiously tiptoeing into using GenAI for personalization.

This report showcases how to take an evolutionary approach to deploying AI-powered personalization, starting with internal applications and gradually expanding to customer-facing ones, letting you experiment and expand use cases over time as you continuously improve.

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