Whether it’s designing the first habitats for colonizing Mars or solving more down-to-earth problems like pollution and poverty, the future abounds with unlimited potential for humanity. Current students studying the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) disciplines will be the ones to harness that potential. It’s vitally important that students from all backgrounds participate, including girls, students of color, and youth from low-income communities.
To help uplift students’ awareness and problem-solving skills to prepare them for this future, Hero Digital — a digital customer experience company that believes “what’s good for people is good to business” — is proud to announce its partnership with Makers + Mentors Network, a STEM Initiative of Citizen Schools.

Makers + Mentors Network focuses on addressing the educational divide between underserved and underrepresented students, which is only growing larger with this year’s impact on student learning. There is a strong intersection between this focus and the fight against systemic inequality. STEAM education will be essential in preparing the next generation of our nation’s workforce and vital to this generation’s ability to create jobs and grow our nation’s economy.
Hero Digital employees will be volunteering their time to provide insight, guidance, and mentorship for the upcoming generation. In addition, Hero Digital will be providing pro bono digital marketing assistance and financial support to Citizen Schools to help them reach more students and do more good.

“Citizen Schools is incredibly excited to launch our partnership with Hero Digital! We are deeply grateful for your engagement with us through volunteerism in our school programs, your pro bono marketing expertise, and your generous financial support. We know you share our commitment to ensure every student has equitable access to hands-on, real world learning with mentors — and to the pure joy that creates.”
Emily McCann
CEO of Citizen Schools
Why Hero Digital’s support matters:
- Learning loss for underserved students — the majority of whom are Black and Brown — is at 9-12 months since March 2020. (McKinsey)
- Currently ⅔ of Black and Brown children are in 100% remote learning settings vs. over ⅔ of white students in hybrid or in-person learning settings.
- Some middle and high school students are foregoing school to care for younger siblings or to serve as a primary wage earner for families.
- Negative impact of student mental health is considerable. (Edutopia)
- This will have far reaching effects on high school graduation, post secondary matriculation and lifetime earnings. Predictions of 3-5% loss of income for individuals and an aggregate $500BN loss in GDP. (McKinsey)
From challenging students to solve a problem in new ways, to thinking through new problems that have yet to arrive, Hero Digital’s contribution will help students emphasize STEAM skills considered necessary for success in the modern economy and the years ahead.

“We believe that this partnership will enable meaningful contribution to the advancement of STEAM education through volunteering, mentorship, and pro bono work directed at making a lasting impact on disadvantaged communities and the next generation of change makers and citizens across our nation. Our focus will be directly tied to our values and commitment for lasting change and tangible impact.”
David Kilimnik
CEO of Hero Digital
About Makers + Mentors Network
Makers + Mentors Network is a STEM Initiative of Citizen Schools. Makers + Mentors Network advances its mission through three primary models: National Community of Practice, Make For All, and Maker Fellows. Since 2014, the team has worked toward uplifting STEM mentoring and through the addition of Make For All and Maker Fellows, supports maker-centered learning. To learn more, visit www.makersandmentors.org and www.citizenschools.org.
About Hero Digital
Hero Digital is a leading independent customer experience company founded in California at the intersection of business, design, and technology. Hero Digital works with the C-Suite of the Fortune 500 to drive transformational business growth through superior customer experiences that deliver brand and consumer value. A trusted advisor to the world’s best brands like Comcast, U.S. Bank, Twitter, Salesforce, Sephora, and TD Ameritrade. For more information, visit http://www.herodigital.com.