Creating experiences of Truth & Beauty


Today, Hero Digital unveils a fresh look and a renewed purpose: to bring moments of Truth & Beauty into people’s lives. The world is ready for something fresh – a company that seeks the truth about people, and crafts beautiful experiences to makes their lives better.

The time is now.

People are living in an age of high anxiety. The world’s institutions — from government to corporations — are all suffering from a trust deficit.

The relentless quest for shareholder value has created a world that is now at a tipping point.

Luckily, we are not alone in seeing that this needs to change. Just a few weeks ago, the nation’s top CEOs gathered to release an unprecedented joint statement: investing in employees, delivering value to customers, dealing ethically with suppliers, and supporting communities are now at the forefront of American business goals.

A new imperative.

Trust in business has been eroded. We believe that brands can reclaim the trust they’ve lost — by shifting their purpose to better serve people and creating customer experiences to match.

For the last 12 months, we have been busy reorganizing and rebranding our company to answer this call. To be our clients’ trusted partner — with values that reflect this shift in our culture and an offering that meets their changing needs.

This is now Hero’s mission: To bring moments of Truth & Beauty into people’s lives. We always start with Truth, the customer reality. And Beauty is the response we co-create with brands.

The concept of Truth & Beauty hits people on a personal level. We want to ground the conversation in what it means to be human. The customer experience doesn’t have to just be a transaction, but instead an opportunity — to prove the value of the brand, and to become a bright spot in someone’s day.

And we’re backing up this message by organizing our services in a way that adapts to our clients’ business realities. We’ve pioneered a holistic method that enfolds three interconnected parts — Invent, Transform, and Perform — which meet the three primary needs of our clients.

Identify CX opportunities to unlock new value. This is about finding the intersection between customer truths and business truths, which in turn, inspires a new CX idea, which we then validate with the business case. Clients who have been beholden to costly consultancies can now turn to Hero for business strategy and simultaneously see opportunities manifest into actionable ideas.

Materialize the opportunities through design and technology. Superior and timely execution has always been our hallmark. Because Beauty is the form in which we deliver value to customers, the marriage of design and technology remains our focus.

Accelerate marketing and sales through the connected ecosystem. By driving our clients’ marketing programs, uniting their underlying customer data, and continually optimizing each interaction, we take accountability for real impact metrics such as revenue growth. With this part of the offering, we complete our commitment to our clients by delivering on the results that pull their brand into the future.

Today we relaunch the new Hero brand and offering. In January 2020 we will be launching a Truth & Beauty network of leading voices — brands, technology companies, industry analysts, search consultants, the media, and other thought leaders to help shape the conversation and give fuel to this movement and co-create the customer experience company of the 21st century.

Please join me, our partners, and our 400 person team in creating experiences of Truth and Beauty. Together, we can do what’s good for business and also good for people.

David Kilimnik
CEO, Hero Digital

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