Forrester Includes Hero Digital in Now Tech: Marketing Creative And Content Services Report


Now Tech: Marketing Creative And Content Services, Q4 2021

Forrester’s overview of 42 marketing creative and content providers

Forrester Research Report

Forrester’s analysis of marketing creative and content service providers has included Hero Digital in its digital products and marketing capability segment.

Marketing creative and content service providers empower leading companies to differentiate their brands, establish an emotional connection with their customers, and communicate their essential product/service information. But selecting the right partner isn’t easy.

According to the Forrester Report, “CMOs and B2C marketing executives who want to develop effective marketing campaigns and programs need to partner with creative agencies armed with consumer-centric perspectives and creative problem-solving skills.”

This report is intended to help CMOs and B2C marketing executives “understand the value they can expect from marketing creative and content providers and make selections based on the creative and content capabilities that fulfill their needs.”

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“42% of global B2C CMOs plan to increase marketing spend for content creation in 2021.”
2021 Global Marketing Survey,
Forrester Research

Capabilities Segments

Content & Production

Agencies in this segment place emphasis on their content strategy and video, digital, and content production capabilities.

Digital Products & Marketing

Agencies that leverage insights and analytics, digital development, and customer experience strategy tackle digital product and experience development.

Advertising & Marketing Campaigns

Creative and content agencies that provide communications strategy, creative strategy, and creative services.

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