Welcome, MaassMedia!

MaassMedia and Hero Digital logos


Today is an exciting day for everyone at Hero Digital as we announce the acquisition of MaassMedia, a digital analytics consultancy based in Philadelphia, PA, that provides guidance and leadership to global brands seeking to optimize their investments in digital multichannel content and customer experience initiatives. This acquisition furthers our ability to deliver data-driven strategies and digital experiences to our clients. It also brings a great group of smart, like-minded people into our organization. Together with the folks from MaassMedia, we’ll continue to embark on creating the strongest independent CX agency in North America.

Aaron Maass, the CEO of MaassMedia, has built an impressive organization. He has established multi-year relationships with his clients, assembled an accomplished team of data professionals, and has maintained a ruthless focus on his core competence of explaining the data. Aaron and I share a common belief—which is that we will be able to provide the best partnership to our clients by giving them the best advice to grow their businesses. Today that advice needs to be anchored by an understanding of the growing sea of customer data that brands can now capture. Aaron and his team bring tremendous expertise to the table, and they happen to be a fantastic and friendly group of people that I am truly looking forward to working with.

The addition of MaassMedia to Hero furthers our goal of creating a CX agency with the breadth of skills of larger firms like SapientRazorfish, but with the service intimacy that can only be found in a practitioner-led environment where an agency principal sponsors every project. I am honored and humbled that MaassMedia has joined Hero Digital. Together we will continue to build a company that defines the CX industry, and we will bring that value directly to our clients.

Dave Kilimnik
CEO, Hero Digital

Hero Digital has acquired MaassMedia


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