15 Very Serious Predictions for 2025

Our creative team looked into their crystal balls and saw a year defined by Comic Sans, futuristic colors, and grocery shelves finally free of banana-flavored foods.

1). Real art made by real people will be our most powerful weapon against AI

Like the humans in The Matrix movies using analog hardware to circumvent the machines’ digital domination, brands will start turning to old-school creative methods (like our hand-drawn illustration system for Atlantic Health Systems) to stand out in a generic, AI-generated future.

2). The word “resonate” will no longer resonate

When Budweiser’s “Wassup” campaign debuted back in the late ‘90s, we all watched it and thought, “Man, that ad really ‘resonated’ with me.” Right? No! We laughed because it was hella funny. 2025 will be the year brands stop caring so much about creating things that “resonate” and start caring about creating things that are “good.”

3). Good-bye TikTok, hello reading a book
LOL. Nope. Elon or Zuck will just roll out a new, American version and you will continue to destroy your brain cells there.
4). Humanity will finally embrace the difference between a concept and execution
This is more a hope than a prediction. Here’s an easy way to understand it: a “concept” is the perfect little newborn baby with chubby cheeks and big, naive eyes and velvet-soft skin. The “execution” is what you get months and months later, after a few nervous breakdowns and too many sleepless nights to count: a barfing, pooping, screaming creature with a case of eczema so bad that you’re not actually sure this is the same baby you held in the hospital. 
5). Retro-futurism will (finally) triumph
When Jaguar unveiled their new look and concept car, two titles immediately came to mind: Tron and Back to the Future Part II. Which, to be clear, were both awesome. So while design snobs scoffed and rolled their eyes, some of us thought: the bright neon future promised in the ‘80s has finally arrived! Expect to see more of it in 2025.
6). Gen Z will tell everyone to just stop it
Millennials had it bad, but no other generation was born and raised under the marketing microscope like Gen Z. And almost every PowerPoint prediction about them has proven wrong. In 2025, brands will finally realize that, like every other buzzy demo throughout history, Gen Z has affinity for brands that, at a minimum, try to not be awful.
7). The world will finally admit The Big Bang Theory is not good
No, seriously, people—what’s the deal with this show?
8). Suddenly, without warning, people will stop Frankenstein-ing and just choose the best option
Foretold on the great Sumerian cuneiform tablets, a comet will cross the night sky, and its mysterious effects will spread far and wide. We shall come to know a new peace, and embrace the eternal truth that when you try to appease everyone, you connect with no one. 
9). The first tumbleweeds of social media will blow through
After Meta’s decision to willingly allow misinformation to be published on their platform, an exhausted public will say “Ugh, enough!” and start looking elsewhere. Traditional media that is seen as more “neutral” will rise in popularity as people seek comfort from the extremes—we’re talking local newspapers, public radio, and even (gasp!) the boring ol’ evening news.
10). The last banana-flavored food product will fade out of existence
Repeat after me: Bananas are gross. Now repeat it over and over again until every last banana pudding, banana-favored Laffy Taffy, and banana cream soda is banished from our supermarket shelves. Once we achieve this historic victory, we will face the final boss: your mom’s banana bread. The fate of the universe depends on you having the guts to tell her the cold, hard truth: Mom, it’s gross. Please stop making it.
11). The first AI-only creative director will be “born,” will be a dude, and will wear trendy, oversized eyeglasses
He will be named Arlo, and his fashion choices will be mined from our previous issue.
12). We will bring back Comic Sans unironically, and it will work
Down with Arial! Raleway? No way! The people will reclaim Comic Sans as the ultimate rebellion against over-polished design. Once a designer’s nightmare, it’ll become a badge of authenticity—and brands chasing eyeballs will embrace its democratic beauty.
13). “Flush out” will replace “Flesh out,” millions will celebrate
Around 2004, it became cool to correct people who wanted to “flush out” an idea. Yes, these persnickety pedants were technically correct, and many poor souls were pressured into saying (properly) that they wanted to “flesh out” an idea, and 100% of these people felt icky saying “flesh,” as it’s up there with “moist” and “ointment” in terms of aurally disgusting words. But—thankfully!—language evolves, and 2025 will be the year we collectively flush this phrase out.
14). New Zealand will continue to be left off maps
Once you realize this is a thing, you also realize how pervasive it is, and you can’t unsee it. Enter the rabbit hole here: MapsWithoutNZ
15). Copywriters will smirk even harder at Chat GPT’s suggestions
Okay, we’ll admit it—AI can write decent, functional copy, but it still sucks at headlines and generating creative concepts, and 12 more months of machine learning won’t change that. So, hey, robots, who’s worried about their job security now?

A Mortgage Ad Featuring a Cute Baby? Yeah, We Went There.

For Hancock Whitney Bank, we used the warm and fuzzies to highlight just how fast getting pre-qualified for a home loan can be.

When Hancock Whitney Bank, one of our long-term clients, asked us to help roll out their new digital pre-qualification process, we looked around at how other banks were marketing similar offerings. And you know what we found? Lots of “Sold!” signs in front yards, with happy families waving from the front porch of their new home. 

Frankly, that’s just not Hancock Whitney. For more than a hundred years, they’ve been helping families in New Orleans and the surrounding Gulf South region achieve their dreams of homeownership. That’s a story with more regional specificity and heartfelt impact than, say, Rocket Mortgage’s famous “Push Button, Get Mortgage” campaign

So, the question became: how do we marry the hard-hitting key message identified by our strategy wizards—”Get pre-qualified for a home loan in as little as three minutes”—with softer, more emotional creative that feels authentic to the Hancock Whitney brand? 

Oh, and one more thing: our creative had to highlight not the pre-approval process itself (because that’s boring and cold), but instead the final outcome for the consumer—a place where they can mark their kids’ growth with notches on the doorframe.

The result? A campaign that makes you feel right at home.

After trash cans full of wadded up ideas and many, many rounds of revision, this is what we came up with— a concept that connects the time it takes to get pre-qualified for a home loan to the heartwarming, everyday moments that happen inside a family’s new home.


From Filler to Killer: 10 Words We’re Over & 10 Better Alternatives

Anyone can write filler copy. But killer copy? That takes a trained wordsmith.

By Miana Michaylo

Editor’s note: Buzzwords beware! Senior Copywriter Miana Michaylo is our resident bad-copy assassin. Her motto: no jargon, no fluff—just the good stuff.

You know when someone says, “Trust me,” and you instantly don’t? That’s half of marketing copy today—big promises, no delivery, and buzzwords so dead they’re practically haunting us. It’s time to kick the clichés to the curb and say hello to copy that doesn’t conform.

Here are 10 words we’re over and 10 better ways to say what you mean

1). Epic

Unless you’re Gandalf rallying Middle-earth against hordes of Orcs, your schpiel isn’t “epic.”

“Epic” has fallen from blockbuster glory to a Kentucky-fried phrase—battered and over-seasoned, used to make even the blandest seem bold. Focus on qualities that make your product remarkable instead. Because “epic” is meant for Battle of Helm’s Deep-level moments, not your new sandwich.

2). Exclusive

Is it behind velvet ropes and a bouncer named Blade? No? Then it’s probably not “exclusive.”

“Exclusive” used to mean rare. Now it means “available to anyone with Wi-Fi.” From email blasts to loyalty programs, this no-no word gives gimmick, not glamour. Is it a limited-time offer? A first-come, first-serve event? Say that instead. 

3). Artisan

If it’s rolling off an assembly line, it’s not “artisan.”

Once a badge of craftmanship, “artisan” is now slapped onto everything from mass-produced bread to overpriced candles. Ditch the generalization and get descriptive. Make it feel curated, not canned. And upgrade lines like “artisan coffee” to “carefully sourced, single-origin beans roasted to perfection.” 

4). Green

Give greenwashing the red light.

“Green” is vague at best—and shady at worst—tossed around to sound eco-friendly without the receipts to back it up. Skip the charade—trade “green packaging” for “made from recycled materials,” and let the facts speak for themselves.

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5). Passionate

“We’re passionate about taxes.” Ugh, get real.

Saying you’re passionate doesn’t prove anything, especially when the product you’re peddling is Boring with a capital B. Skip the sappy schtick and show what you bring to the table, like TaxAct. They don’t pretend taxes are their one true purpose. They lean into truth—taxes suck, but we gotta do ‘em. Cue their tagline: “Let’s get it over with.”

6). Modern

Calling something modern is like saying water is wet.

Unless you’re marketing antiques or a Renaissance Faire LARPing sesh, you’re probably modern by default. Show off the specifics that prove it’s built for today in lieu of using lazy marketing mumbo jumbo. Is it faster? Smarter? Adaptable? Highlight those selling points to make an impression here and now. 

7). Real

Wait…you’re just now using real food?

“Now made with REAL cheese!” What the hell were we eating before? Phrases like this are hard to digest on more than one level. Give unclear copy the boot, sprinkle in something measurable, and watch your copy “improve by 100%.”

8). Innovative

“Innovative” isn’t proof—it’s just a placeholder.

If you have to tell people you’re innovative, you’re not. Exhibit A: Spotify Wrapped, a brand-exclusive feature that turns listening data into a personalized highlight reel. They don’t call it, “An innovative music experience.” Why? Because “Your Year in Music” hits harder every time.

9). Next-Gen

Settle down, Spock.

“Next-gen” is as overplayed—and disappointing—as a sci-fi franchise reboot. If you’re not boldly going where no one’s gone before (like at least 100 years into the future), pick a different phrase. Prove your “future-proofiness” with tangible features that only a time traveler can compete with.

10). Effortless

Cut the BS—effortless isn’t even in the dictionary of life.

Ah, marketing’s favorite fairytale: “effortless”—a promise that fades faster than New Year’s resolutions. The irony? It’s often tacked on things that are anything but easy. “Effortless swimming”? Um, yeah, that’s called sinking. “Effortless cloud integration solutions for legacy infrastructures”? I worked up a sweat just reading that. Don’t sell the impossible. It’s as simple as saying, “we make the hard stuff easier.”

Where buzzwords buckle, real meaning cuts through 

After collecting this cringe-worthy copy, I realized the real lesson: if a single buzzword has to carry your whole message, it’s going to collapse under the weight of its meaninglessness. So, for the love of all the copy gods, get rid of the gobbledygook and say what you really mean. Because the verbal equivalent of jazz hands isn’t fooling anyone—and your brand deserves better.

What Can a 50-Year-Old Marketing Book Teach Us? Plenty.

Our resident copywriting guru re-reads a marketing classic and discovers that, yep, we’ve lost our way when it comes to positioning

By Bryan Mack

I first read the 1972 book Positioning—The Battle for the Mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout sometime in the mid ‘90s. Even though it was already decades old by then, I carried this classic text with me from ad school to my first jobs in the business. And now, as Hero’s Director of Shaking a Fist at the Clouds, I gave it a re-read to see if its lessons were still relevant today. And, surprise, surprise, they are—perhaps more than ever.

First of all, what is positioning? Let’s ask Al and Jack: “Positioning is an organized system for finding a window in the mind…. You build brand loyalty in a supermarket the same way you build mate loyalty in a marriage. You get there first and then be careful not to give them a reason to leave.” 

Much of their approach is grounded in a challenge most brands face: positioning is easier if you’re the first-mover or category creator, but what if you’re not? According to Ries and Trout, “Then you have a positioning problem.” 

My position is that positioning has gone off the rails

A few years into my career, I found myself in a boardroom with important people who have acronyms after their names. Let’s just say their approach to positioning was very different from what I had learned from Ries and Trout. I forget who the actual client was, but let’s use Tylenol as an example.

At the time, Bayer aspirin was the go-to pain reliever, and, as we know from Reis and Trout, if you can’t be the first, you need to find a new place in the mind of consumers to position your product. Tylenol discovered this new place thanks to a simple insight: not everyone can take aspirin—people with kidney issues or high blood pressure, for example. So Tylenol was positioned as “the alternative to aspirin,” and its original positioning statement was, simply, “Tylenol is an alternative to aspirin.” 

But to return to that boardroom, the updated positioning statement my fancy colleagues presented was far more…complex: “For the savvy and discerning consumer who expects both value and performance from their pain relief products, Tylenol is the easy-to-swallow capsule proven to reduce fever and relieve minor aches and pains due to headache, backache, toothache, minor pain of arthritis, the common cold, and more.” 

We then spent an hour picking at individual words, and debating the order of the words to make sure they fit the sacred positioning statement “formula.” Back then, I figured, “Hey, I’m young, what do I know?” So I adopted what they said and how they did it. But they were wrong. 

That long, needlessly complex, and often incomprehensible positioning statement is what almost every positioning statement looks like in 2025. 

So let’s take a trip down memory lane and try to learn a few things from the past.

Lessons #1: Positioning is about them, not you

The above statement is a fundamental part of marketing strategy. But for positioning, it’s everything. If you want to position your product in the mind of your consumer, you have to actually start there—with your consumer. 

Ries and Trout use Michelob as a case study. Back in the 1970s, beer advertising was basically just creative ways to describe the product: “Real draft” or “Just a kiss of hops” or “From the land of sky blue waters” and lots of other advertising poetry. 

But Michelob was different—they started with the consumer instead of the product. The beer was premium, and premium-priced, and they wanted to be the first to fill that spot in the mind of the consumer. The result? “In beer, going first class is Michelob.”

As Ries and Trout say, “Was Michelob the first premium-priced beer? No, of course not. But Michelob was the first to build the position in the beer-drinker’s mind.” 

Within a few years, Michelob became one of the largest-selling beers in America. 

Lesson #2: It’s still not about you—it’s about your competition

Now let’s travel to Long Island in the 1970s. Citibank, Chase Manhattan, and the other “big city banks” were moving in on the territory of Long Island Trust (LIT). So LIT did some research, and learned that the new competition was just a part of their problem. 

By “mapping the prospect’s mind,” LIT learned that they ranked at the bottom of the list for general banking services. But when the questions were asked about their community, the results were flipped—Long Island Trust was good for Long Island, they said. 

Conventional strategy would say they should start running ads about how good they are for the local economy. But positioning requires you to start with what the prospect is already willing to give you. People understood why big-city banks weren’t great for Long Island, so LIT hammered that point home: 

  • “Why send your money to the big city if you don’t live there?” 
  • “The city is a great place to visit, but would you want to bank there?” 
  • “To a city bank, the only island that matters is Manhattan.” 

In hindsight, a bank promoting the area they serve seems obvious—because it is. As Ries and Trout remind us, “The best positioning ideas are so simple and obvious that most people overlook them.”

Lesson #3: Even when it’s about you, it’s actually not

Let’s wrap this up with a fun one—Milk Duds. Switzer Clark wanted to reach a younger crowd, but for most 10-year olds, the concept of candy means an actual candy “bar,” not some weird ball of gooey chocolate.

So, they put on their kid brains and discovered something: kids love candy bars, but they don’t love how fast those candy bars are gone. And, voila, the new position for Mild Duds was born, the long-lasting alternative to a candy bar: “When a candy bar is only a memory, you’ll still be eating your Milk Duds.”

So even though the positioning seems to focus on the product, on the Milk Duds themselves, it’s really about something more nuanced: using empathy (and we’ll come back to this later) to figure out what consumers’ care about, and then shifting their perspective, reframing the category, and using emotion as the hook. 

You CAN teach new dogs old tricks

This stuff is important—positioning goes way past a campaign. It gives us a flagpole to unite around. It can guide every decision made by the client and the agency. So, instead of shaking my fist at MBA-speak and our insane desire to complicate everything, here are three steps I like to take when a new positioning project hits my desk.

Step 1: Put aside the demands, the challenges, and the drama—and just talk it out. The goal is simplicity. That’s actually not as easy as it sounds. We have to unlearn a lot to get past our desires to sound smart—especially when your boss is in the room. I’ve found that the younger members of my team love this. They get permission to be scared. They’re encouraged to be themselves. There will be no talk of design systems, ROI metrics, or the project scope (maybe a little positioning, but just a little, I promise).

Step 2: We all ask a very simple question: What is the single most-important message we want consumers to hear? You can imagine the blocks of product benefits and stats that’ll be crammed into that answer in the beginning. But, with a little time and compassion, we can usually get it down to a sentence. One that’s real. One that’s true.    

Step 3: Get into the mind of the customer. Yes, research is awesome, but not every client wants to pay for it. So, we do our best to practice empathy, to really talk about what’s going on in the customer’s head that goes above and beyond features, benefits, and RTBs. In short, we do what every creative person in every creative discipline does: we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and try to see the world through their eyes. 

Because we all need to remember one of marketing’s most enduring lessons, one that Ries and Trout’s book reaffirms: The consumer isn’t stupid. The consumer is your mother. 

The Great Debate: January 2025

Would you rather spend a day with an ancestor from 500 years ago or a descendant of yours from 500 years in the future?

Every month, we get together to discuss life’s most important questions. Cast your vote on Linkedin .

Don’t miss the next one.

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