High Tech Cookieless Future Report

In this new era of privacy, every brand is now a data company.

The Cookieless Future Impact Report

Embrace privacy to create a powerful and secure customer intelligence ecosystem.

High tech clients and customers have a lot at stake when it comes to privacy. Savvy business customers expect companies to protect their valuable data. Privacy must be taken seriously and security breaches are costly.

In this new era of privacy, every brand is now a data company. Marketing strategies that rely heavily on third-party cookies are disappearing. Serving targeted ads and personalized content to prospects and customers is going to be challenging.

Third Party Cookie Support

Genuine digital relationships are building blocks for tech business success. Adopting transparent practices for collecting and storing first-party data increases customer retention. And data governance is crucial to maintaining trust and building lasting business partnerships.

Once trust is established, there are long-lasting benefits. Digital experiences can be tailored to meet evolving business needs and personalization is possible at all stages of the customer journey.

Hero Digital’s High Tech Cookieless Future Report highlights new ways to collect data and gain valuable insights from your customers.

Cookieless High Tech Solutions

Replace third-party cookies

Conversion tracking alternatives like Facebook Conversion API and Google Ads Consent Mode

Get first-party data

Subscriptions/registration for content

Maximize first-party data

Hero Digital’s Customer Intelligence for High Tech to optimize user journey and increase content engagement and conversions

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